Dog with pet supplies

Without the proper preparation, pet ownership can overwhelm people new to the experience. There is a mountain of information out there for new pet owners, but to help capture the essence of the experience, we offer the following ten tips to get you and your pet from merely surviving to fully thriving together: 

Focus on Health

New pets, especially young pets, need their core vaccinations, parasite prevention, microchip, spay/neuter, and age-appropriate nutrition. We recommend scheduling a new pet’s first wellness visit within your first week together. Once they are current with all their preventive medicine, we’ll schedule an appointment for 6-12 months, depending on age and medical history. 

Work on Training

Even adult and senior pets need refreshers on potty training, litter box training, and proper ways to behave. Pets of any age can learn new things, and often may do so faster than younger ones. It is crucial to acknowledge that obedience training not only has the potential to reduce injury, illness, separation, or loss, but basic commands also make living together much more fun.

Get the Right Accessories

Necessary items include bedding, crate/carrier, food/water bowls, toys, and all the essential items for outdoor exercise (leash, collar, harness, etc.) and safe transport. 

Pay Attention to Diet and Exercise

We can help you find the right food for your pet’s breed, age, weight, and lifestyle, and give you recommendations for minimum daily exercise opportunities. Decreasing the risk of obesity and related problems like diabetes and arthritis is essential to a pet’s long term health and wellness.

Mitigate Risk

Having pet insurance can greatly reduce the cost associated with critical care, and creating emergency or first-aid kits can greatly impact how you deal with a pet emergency or a natural disaster. 

Pay Close Attention

New pet owners are typically diligent at pet-proofing the home, yard, and garden. This vigilance should continue throughout a pet’s life, season to season.

Socialize Safely

It can be deeply rewarding to meet new friends. Opportunities to socialize at the park, daycare, or with friends and family are crucial. Experiencing new places can help them become more resilient, confident, and trusting.

Groom Them

Always check for ticks and other external parasites, and look for any lumps and bumps that may be concerning. Brushing their coat evenly distributes their skin’s natural oils and keeps them looking fresh and clean.

Always Remember the Teeth

Of all the preventable health conditions, periodontal disease ranks high. Brushing your new pet’s teeth may seem challenging, but over time, they’ll trust the process (rewards help a lot). New pets can learn to accept this daily or weekly ritual, and the rewards are immense.

Ask for Help

Put together a list of people you know and trust to help you care and provide for your new pet. Ask for help when you need and lean on your resources for guidance and feedback. New pet ownership isn’t always easy or straightforward and we’re always here to help. 

A new pet learns so much in a short time, and must put together details about their new life very rapidly. Please call our veterinarians at (916) 791‑8387 with any questions or concerns, and from all of us at Bayside Animal Hospital congratulations on your new pet!