Do I Really Have to Bring My Cat to the Vet?

Because cats put up such a fight regarding their travel kennel, the car, and being poked and prodded by strangers, they don’t always receive preventative veterinary care that could influence their quality and quantity of life. Bringing your cat to the vet can be trying in the best of times…and almost impossible in the worst. By establishing a pattern of positive, rewarding veterinary visits once or twice a year (depending on your cat’s age and medical history), you’re able to achieve and maintain optimal feline health.
Cats Deserve the Best Care
Cats bring so much to their owner’s lives. They make us feel happy, seen, and loved. It’s only fair that we return the favor. Responsible cat ownership includes providing a clean, safe, and enriching home environment. But in order to truly enjoy all the spoils of this mutually beneficial relationship, cats should be examined and treated by a trusted veterinarian throughout their entire lives.
They’re Fine…Right?
Unfortunately, there’s a common misconception that cats need less routine veterinary care, especially if they live exclusively indoors. This view often leads owners to only bring their cat to the vet for emergency illness or injury. The fact is, all cats regardless of their lifestyle, benefit from regular examinations to stay as healthy as possible.
Baby Cats
We recommend scheduling a kitten exam as soon as you adopt. Establishing a strong foundation of veterinary care makes attaining general wellness a reality. At this point in your kitten’s life, we can set a course for vaccinations, parasite prevention, spaying/neutering, microchipping, nutrition, behavior, and so much more.
When your kitten comes to us in these early months, they learn how positive the experience can be and they are more likely to be open and accepting of the travel time, exposure to new places, and the introduction to new faces, sounds, and experiences.
Adult and Senior Cat Care
Once your kitten has received the final shots of their initial vaccinations, we can space out appointments every 12 months. Throughout their adulthood, we’ll conduct yearly nose-to-tail examinations, routine blood work, dental exam, and update any necessary prescriptions, vaccinations, and parasite control.
Around the age of 7, cats are qualified as seniors and should be examined every 6 months. This helps us stay in front of common age-related problems, including kidney disease, arthritis, and diabetes.
Feline Behavior
Cats are experts at hiding any signs of illness or injury. They don’t want to draw any attention, especially if previous visits to a veterinarian have been under stress.
Routine veterinary exams help us uncover problems before they have a chance to cause emergency situations or even chronic problems. Routine cat wellness exams have the potential to save you money and time in the long run, while boosting your cat’s day-to-day happiness and health.
Bring Your Cat to the Vet
Getting to know your cat is a privilege that we take seriously. The opportunity to help your cat live to their fullest potential is achieved through yearly and bi-annual exams, and we can wait to make a difference in your best friend’s life.
Please give us a call at (916) 791-8387 with any questions, or to schedule an appointment. Our veterinarians are always here for you at Bayside Animal Hospital.