10 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe on July Fourth

July Fourth is around the corner, and you are likely already preparing for the barbecue and fireworks display. However, these festivities can be dangerous and distressing for your precious pet. Our team at Bayside Animal Hospital wants to provide tips to reduce your pet’s anxiety, and ensure their safety during the celebration.

Tip #1: Keep tabs on your pet

A noisy gathering can be a stressful situation for your pet, who may try to escape to a quieter place while you are busy socializing. Take a few precautions to ensure you can locate your pet if they decide to wander. Ensure they are wearing a snug collar with accurate identification tags. Have your pet microchipped, and keep your contact microchip registry information current. This is the best way to reunite with your pet if they are lost. Also, take a picture of your pet so you can post a current photograph should they go missing.


4 Tips to Set Your Puppy Up for Success

A chocolate brown puppy chewing on a toothbrush

Puppies are energetic fur balls, who fill our lives with sweet puppy breath and cozy cuddles. However, like human childhood, puppyhood is a critical time to ensure they learn and develop proper manners, social skills, and habits, so they remain healthy through their grey muzzle years. Follow these four tips from your Bayside Animal Hospital team to provide your puppy with the proper care and tools to help set them up for success from puppyhood to adulthood. 

#1: Purchase pet health insurance


Puppy Parenting 101: What to Expect During Your Puppy’s First Year

A puppy learning how to shake

Welcoming a new four-legged pal into your family is exciting and at times challenging. A productive first year with a precious puppy is critical for ensuring a life of health and good behavior. Like a human child, puppies require lots of attention, care, monitoring, training and, most importantly, lots of patience and cuddles. Follow these guidelines from your Bayside Animal Hospital veterinary team to ensure a pawsitive first year with your new fluffy friend. 

Puppy meal time


4 Pawlidays Pet Safety Tips

’Tis the season for giving, special sweets, and twinkling tree lights. Holiday celebrations wouldn’t be the same without including our furry family members. However, holiday treats and festive decor can be hazardous to your pets and lead to upset stomachs and accidents. Avoid an unexpected trip to the animal emergency room by following these four holiday safety tips from your Bayside Animal Hospital veterinary team. 

#1: Keep pets calm and carry on


Protecting Your Pet from Common, Dangerous Toxins

Unfortunately, pets can occasionally become ill, and sometimes die, from toxin exposure. While most intoxications are accidental, some cases result from inappropriate treatment by well-meaning owners who are unaware that dogs and cats may react differently to medications intended for human use. In rare instances, poisoning may be malicious. Often, owners know or suspect their pet has been exposed to a toxic substance; however, in instances where owners are unaware, a sudden onset of dramatic clinical signs in a previously healthy pet should cause concern.

Common pet poisons

Each year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) compiles a list of the most common toxins pets encounter. Knowing what substances pets frequently get into can help you keep your furry friend safe. 
