Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Pets

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and a table filled with turkey and all the trimmings. And while it may be tempting to share a scrap or two with your furry family members, it’s important to know that pets and people foods can sometimes be a recipe for disaster.
In this guide to pet Thanksgiving safety, our team at Bayside Animal Hospital offers helpful dos and don’ts for sharing food plus other important holiday safety tips for pets.
Make Pet Thanksgiving Safety Part of Your Holiday Menu
The aromas of roasted turkey, sweet potato casserole, and fresh-baked pies are equally pleasing to pets and people, but many of our holiday favorites contain ingredients that can cause serious health problems for pets.
The following ingredients, dishes, and drinks are off-limits to pets:
- Turkey skin and other buttery, greasy, or fatty foods
- Meat bones
- Raw bread dough that contains yeast
- Alcoholic beverages
- Garlic and onions
- Grapes and raisins
- Anything containing xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is extremely toxic to pets
- Chocolate
- Baked goods like pies, cookies, and other desserts
More Holiday Safety Tips for Pets
While keeping potentially dangerous foods out of paw’s reach is a major aspect of Thanksgiving pet safety, holiday gatherings can present other hazards to pets. Here are some added precautions to take this Thanksgiving to help keep your pets safe:
- Let all of your guests know that you have a strict, no-share rule when it comes to pets and table scraps.
- Keep an eye on the exits. Frightened or opportunistic pets can quickly take advantage of an open door. Make sure your pet’s ID tags and microchip are up to date.
- Create a safe space for anxious pets away from the holiday hubbub in a quiet room with food, water, a favorite toy, and a comfy bed.
- Quickly discard table scraps, and keep trash cans closed.
- Do not leave pets unsupervised in the kitchen or around the holiday spread.
- Be aware that some festive plants can be toxic to dogs and cats.
- Contact your veterinarian or seek urgent care immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic.
How to Safely Include Pets in Your Thanksgiving Celebration
Indulge your pet with samples of your Thanksgiving Day main course with the following precautions:
- Share small, boneless bites of thoroughly cooked white meat.
- Always remove the skin before sharing with your pet.
- Turkey that is heavily seasoned or stuffed with onions and garlic should NOT be shared with pets.
- Create a festive platter for pets by adding steamed carrots or green beans, a spoonful of pumpkin puree, and seasonal berries.
We Take Thanksgiving Pet Safety Seriously
We want you and your pets to safely enjoy the festivities, family, and food this Thanksgiving. For more holiday safety tips for pets or to schedule a wellness visit, feel free to contact us at (916) 791-8387.