Cute pug puppy in blanket.

Is your dog trembling or shivering? Seeing your dog shaking can be concerning, and chilly weather isn’t the only cause of canine shivering and shaking. The reason behind your pup’s trembling could be harmless, or it could be a sign that something’s wrong. Whatever the case, our team at Bayside Animal Hospital is here to help. We’ve put together some common causes why a dog might be shivering, and what you can do to help.

Chilly Temps

Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. Shivering could mean your dog is cold. Small breeds like Chihuahuas, senior pets, very young puppies, and dogs with thin coats are more prone to the effects of cold temperatures. Curb the quivering by limiting your dog’s exposure outdoors when it’s chilly, dress your dog in a sweater, and make sure your dog has a comfortable bed positioned away from drafts.

Pent Up Emotions

Some dogs get the shakes when they’re happy or excited to see their favorite humans. This type of trembling signals a release of intense emotions, and typically resolves itself when the pup calms down.

Fear or Anxiety

Nervousness, stress, fear, and anxiety are also intense emotions that can cause a dog to shake or tremble. The first step in comforting your pet is to narrow down the trigger: Is it thundering? Has there been a significant change in your dog’s routine, such as moving to a new home? Has someone in your household been feeling stressed or anxious about something? Your pet could be picking up on those cues. Keep calm, stick to your dog’s normal routine as much as possible, and do your best to shield your dog from the source of anxiety or nervousness.

Medical Causes and Pain

Shaking and shivering could also be signs of a health condition or that your dog is in pain. Medical causes of trembling include:

  • Distemper
  • Fever
  • Addison’s Disease
  • Generalized tremor syndrome
  • Upset tummy
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Cushing’s Disease
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Injury 
  • Overexertion
  • Arthritis
  • Motion sickness

If your dog’s trembling seems sudden or out of character, or is accompanied by other abnormal behaviors, contact your veterinarian right away for an examination


The ingestion of toxic foods, such as chocolate or something containing the sugar substitute xylitol, can trigger a bout of trembling. If you suspect your pet has eaten something toxic, contact the nearest veterinarian or emergency animal hospital immediately.

Uncovering the Cause of Your Dog’s Shaking

If you can’t pinpoint an obvious cause for your dog’s trembling, please contact us right away to schedule a thorough examination. Your dog could just be excited to see you, or a health condition could be to blame. Call us at (916) 791-8387. We’re here to help!